deling er omsorgsfull!
Jeg innrømmer at jeg er en “junkie”, når det gjelder amerikansk politikk. Jeg hadde nesten hovedfag i statsvitenskap på college, var medlem av college -republikanerne så vel som jeg meldte meg frivillig på nå høyttaler Paul Ryans aller første kongresskampanje tilbake i 1998. Jeg liker den nasjonale nyheten hver eneste dag i tillegg til at jeg overholder 2016 presidentvalg.
Dette valget er ekstremt viktig. Hvem vi velger vil finne ut fremtiden for barna våre. Som forelder er jeg livredd for hva landet vårt har endt opp med å bli, så vel som hva det kan endte opp med å være hvis vi velger feil person til å lede oss. Det er så mye på spill dette valgåret. Millioner av amerikanere mistet oppgavene sine eller måtte redusere størrelsen under Obama -administrasjonen. Han meldte seg inn i lovgivning en enorm helse- og velværeforsikringsdekningskostnader som gjør helse- og velværeforsikringsdekning mindre økonomisk for husholdninger i middelklassen, samt å oppdage livsforsikringsdekning for over 70 har endt opp med å bli så hard. Han tok styre fra leger så vel som pasienter. Institusjonene indoktrinerer barna våre med liberal skjevhet i den føderale typiske kjerneplanen. Verden er et rot så vel som Obama har satt Amerika i fare med sin svake utenrikspolitikk. ISIS halshugger kristne så vel som ethvert individ som ikke er enige med dem. I løpet av det siste tiåret har millioner av mennesker krysset grensen vår ulovlig, noen har med seg narkotika, i tillegg til at mange tok bort amerikanske jobber.
Med et så stort basseng av kandidater som kjører for president i 2016, er det avgjørende at vi tar informerte beslutninger før vi går til valgurnene. Det er min glede å republisere en serie artikler skrevet av leger som skisserer hver republikanske presidentkandidat, hva de står for, samt nøyaktig hvordan politikken deres vil påvirke vårt lands fremtid. Artiklene kommer til å bli publisert i ingen spesifikk rekkefølge. Det er mitt håp at denne serien med artikler vil hjelpe sunne mamma-magasin besøkende med å ta en velinformert beslutning når de går til valgurnene.
Takk for at du leser!
Cascia Talbert
Grunnlegger, Healthy Mommies Magazine
Donald Trump, bilde med tillatelse fra
Trump er ideell på ulovlig innvandring: Din medisinske behandling er i faresonen
Av Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.
Donald Trump, den ledende republikanske presidentkandidaten, dukket opp lørdag kveld på nettet nylig i en komedieskisse inkludert fokus på spørsmålet om ulovlig innvandring. Trumps standpunkt for ulovlig innvandring har blitt kritisert av både demokrater så vel som republikanere. Spørsmålet om ulovlige grenseoverganger er imidlertid ingen spøk. Selv amerikanske publiserer kontortjenester rapporterte om lavere adresseregistreringer fra nykommere.
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Donald Trump er ideell om dette: ulovlig innvandring er en av de alvorligste farene for nasjonal sikkerhet, amerikansk suverenitet, samt økonomisk stabilitet.
Selv Trump har imidlertid ennå ikke taklet de enda mye mer alvorlige medisinske farene ved ulovlig innvandring for amerikanere.
The unnoticeable travelers coming across the border with the people: bacteria like tuberculosis (TB), viruses such as EVD-68 that killed so lots of us kids in 2014, Ebola, West Nile, dengue fever, parasites, as well as fungal illnesses.
Forsinkelser i å få tilgang til medisinske tjenester for amerikanere med lengre ventetid for å se leger, spesielt for Medicaid -pasienter.
Lange venter i beredskapsrommene som er fastkjørt med ulovlige som venter på omsorg på amerikansk skattebetalernes utgifter.
The vastly higher costs for states to cover Medicaid services created to supply medical care for low-income American citizens, however now expanded to serve those right here illegally as well.
Legal immigrants are medically screened. appropriate testing is the cornerstone of protecting our citizens from devastating diseases previously eradicated or unknown in the U.S. since of our impressive public health and wellness as well as medical systems, a lot of Americans do not concern much about infectious diseases. however infectious diseases stay the leading cause of death worldwide, as well as are in the top ten causes of us deaths.
TB in the U.S. is mainly an “imported” illness brought by people coming from countries where it is widespread, unlike the US. CDC data for 2013 showed that 64 percent of the TB cases as well as 91 percent of all MDR-TB cases in the U.S. occurred in foreign-born people, whose TB rate is 11 times higher than people born in the U.S.
TB is a lot of severe illness danger – both from medical as well as economic impact. TB is extremely contagious—you catch it anywhere around infected people: schools, malls, buses, etc. Worse, the multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) that is boosting across our borders needs a complex, very costly treatment regimen that has severe side impacts as well as a low cure rate.
The staggering expense effect of MDR TB is shown in the Centers for illness manage (CDC) data:
TB treatment Period: 6-9 months, expense $17,000.00
TB Multi-drug Resistant: 20-26 months, expense $134,000.00
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TB extreme Multi-drug Resistant: 32 months, expense $430,000
(Source: CDC website)
Biological agents like viruses as well as bacteria are not like radiation-based weapons that decay continually when released, or chemical weapons that are degraded in the atmosphere as well as need threshold concentrations to be deadly.
Disease-causing agents have doubling times, not half lives for decay. illness agents – bacteria, viruses, fungi –continue to exponentially boost the spread of infection as long as there are people to be exposed.
Elderly, children, immunosuppressed cancer-patients, as well as individuals with chronic lung illness or congestive heart failure will be hardest hit by exposures to difficult-to-treat diseases from other countries. everybody is at risk, however, particularly from MDR-TB. based on CDC expense data, a large-scale break out of MDR-TB in the us might result in a public health and wellness dilemma plus loss of worker productivity that might expense billions of dollars. Our medical systems are already hard-pressed to serve American citizens so they are able to get the Acute medical care they need.
The tsunami of illegals has not caught the government unaware. Shelley Kais, candidate for Arizona Senate, said: “What a lot of Americans don’t yet comprehend is that the arrival of tens of thousands of central Americans along the Southwest border is no surprise: not to the president, not to the federal government’s office of refugee Resettlement (ORR), not to the lots of other federal companies whose budgets have boosted in recent years in preparation for it, as well as not to Congress, which approves those budgets. I reached this final thought complying with a extensive analysis of budgets for the department of health and wellness as well as Human services as well as found compelling evidence that our president, executive agencies—even Congress—knew about as well as organized for the unlawful immigrants now flooding our border.”
Illegals still effect Arizona as well as Texas first, however they are quickly being dispersed across the country into your state, at taxpayer expense. There is nearly no tracking of who is going where, or what diseases they may be carrying, or exactly how neighborhoods will have resources to determine as well as pay for treatment of these diseases.
Trump is right. If we add the medical dangers to the economic as well as national safety dangers he has raised, we see a “perfect storm” being produced that can collapse the medical system with new demands that cannot be satisfied as well as will jeopardize medical care for millions of Americans.
Related Cloves may assist control Blood Sugar Levels
Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. All taxpayers—and all patients—are its victims. diseases don’t stop at borders. diseases don’t discriminate based on political affiliation.
Stop the jokes about Donald Trump. He is area on right in determining the dangers to Americans from unlawful immigration.
Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., Dr. Vliet is chief medical policeman of Med professional Chile, SpA, an worldwide medical consulting business based in Santiago, Chile whose objective is high quality, lower expense medical care focused on preserving medical freedom, privacy, as well as the Oath of Hippocrates commitment to private patients. Dr. Vliet is a past director of the association of American Physicians as well as Surgeons (AAPS).Dr. Vliet likewise has an active us medical method in Tucson AZ as well as Dallas TX specializing in preventive as well as climacteric medicine with an integrated technique to examination as well as treatment of women as well as guy with complex medical as well as hormonal problems. Dr. Vliet got a NECO 2014 Ellis Island Medal of honor as well as the Arizona foundation for women 2007 Voice of women award for her pioneering medical as well as academic advocacy for overlooked hormone connections in women’s health. She got her M.D. degree as well as internship in interior medicine at Eastern Virginia medical School, as well as completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She earned her B.S. i tillegg tilt of the TB cases as well as 91 percent of all MDR-TB cases in the U.S. occurred in foreign-born people, whose TB rate is 11 times higher than people born in the U.S.
TB is a lot of severe illness danger – both from medical as well as economic impact. TB is extremely contagious—you catch it anywhere around infected people: schools, malls, buses, etc. Worse, the multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) that is boosting across our borders needs a complex, very costly treatment regimen that has severe side impacts as well as a low cure rate.
The staggering expense effect of MDR TB is shown in the Centers for illness manage (CDC) data:
TB treatment Period: 6-9 months, expense $17,000.00
TB Multi-drug Resistant: 20-26 months, expense $134,000.00
Related Homeopathy works For A large variety Of health and wellness Conditions
TB extreme Multi-drug Resistant: 32 months, expense $430,000
(Source: CDC website)
Biological agents like viruses as well as bacteria are not like radiation-based weapons that decay continually when released, or chemical weapons that are degraded in the atmosphere as well as need threshold concentrations to be deadly.
Disease-causing agents have doubling times, not half lives for decay. illness agents – bacteria, viruses, fungi –continue to exponentially boost the spread of infection as long as there are people to be exposed.
Elderly, children, immunosuppressed cancer-patients, as well as individuals with chronic lung illness or congestive heart failure will be hardest hit by exposures to difficult-to-treat diseases from other countries. everybody is at risk, however, particularly from MDR-TB. based on CDC expense data, a large-scale break out of MDR-TB in the us might result in a public health and wellness dilemma plus loss of worker productivity that might expense billions of dollars. Our medical systems are already hard-pressed to serve American citizens so they are able to get the Acute medical care they need.
The tsunami of illegals has not caught the government unaware. Shelley Kais, candidate for Arizona Senate, said: “What a lot of Americans don’t yet comprehend is that the arrival of tens of thousands of central Americans along the Southwest border is no surprise: not to the president, not to the federal government’s office of refugee Resettlement (ORR), not to the lots of other federal companies whose budgets have boosted in recent years in preparation for it, as well as not to Congress, which approves those budgets. I reached this final thought complying with a extensive analysis of budgets for the department of health and wellness as well as Human services as well as found compelling evidence that our president, executive agencies—even Congress—knew about as well as organized for the unlawful immigrants now flooding our border.”
Illegals still effect Arizona as well as Texas first, however they are quickly being dispersed across the country into your state, at taxpayer expense. There is nearly no tracking of who is going where, or what diseases they may be carrying, or exactly how neighborhoods will have resources to determine as well as pay for treatment of these diseases.
Trump is right. If we add the medical dangers to the economic as well as national safety dangers he has raised, we see a “perfect storm” being produced that can collapse the medical system with new demands that cannot be satisfied as well as will jeopardize medical care for millions of Americans.
Related Cloves may assist control Blood Sugar Levels
Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. All taxpayers—and all patients—are its victims. diseases don’t stop at borders. diseases don’t discriminate based on political affiliation.
Stop the jokes about Donald Trump. He is area on right in determining the dangers to Americans from unlawful immigration.
Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., Dr. Vliet is chief medical policeman of Med professional Chile, SpA, an worldwide medical consulting business based in Santiago, Chile whose objective is high quality, lower expense medical care focused on preserving medical freedom, privacy, as well as the Oath of Hippocrates commitment to private patients. Dr. Vliet is a past director of the association of American Physicians as well as Surgeons (AAPS).Dr. Vliet likewise has an active us medical method in Tucson AZ as well as Dallas TX specializing in preventive as well as climacteric medicine with an integrated technique to examination as well as treatment of women as well as guy with complex medical as well as hormonal problems. Dr. Vliet got a NECO 2014 Ellis Island Medal of honor as well as the Arizona foundation for women 2007 Voice of women award for her pioneering medical as well as academic advocacy for overlooked hormone connections in women’s health. She got her M.D. degree as well as internship in interior medicine at Eastern Virginia medical School, as well as completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She earned her B.S. i tillegg til